I think it is easy to understand the figure. The figure shows that the NAV of Mutual Fund moves in the same direction with the NEPSE Index.While we comparing the NAV chart of Siddartha and Nabil Mutual Fund the fluctuation is high of siddartha than Nabil because siddartha mutual fund invest most of its investment in stock as it named as a growth fund while the nabil balance fund invest less amount in stock and it balance the risk and return as its name balance. Another thing is that the NAV of siddartha is high because they get 5% share of Civil and Commertz Bank from IPO.
describe the figure and conclude
ReplyDeleteI think it is easy to understand the figure. The figure shows that the NAV of Mutual Fund moves in the same direction with the NEPSE Index.While we comparing the NAV chart of Siddartha and Nabil Mutual Fund the fluctuation is high of siddartha than Nabil because siddartha mutual fund invest most of its investment in stock as it named as a growth fund while the nabil balance fund invest less amount in stock and it balance the risk and return as its name balance. Another thing is that the NAV of siddartha is high because they get 5% share of Civil and Commertz Bank from IPO.