Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Five New Year’s Resolutions Every Leader Should Make

1. Be more inclusive. What does it take to consistently drive growth and innovation? The answer,according to CTI’s latest research, is a diverse workforce managed by leaders who cherish difference, embrace disruption, and foster a speak-up culture. Leaders have long recognized that an inherently diverse workforce “matches the market” and confers a competitive edge by recognizing the unmet needs of consumers and clients like themselves. But ideas from outliers too often are ignored or squelched because their originators don’t resemble the paradigms of corporate power — Caucasian, male, heterosexual, and from a similar educational and socioeconomic background.Leaders who promote a culture of diverse talent — whether in their team or throughout their organization — where everyone feels free to volunteer opinions or propose solutions that contradict convention unlock the full spectrum of innovative capacity.
2. Create pathways for sponsorship. What can help talented women, gays, and people of color spread their wings and succeed? The answer is sponsorship — a strategic workplace partnership between those with power and those with potential. Unlike mentors, who act as sympathetic sounding boards, sponsors are people in positions of power who work on their protégé’s behalf to clear obstacles, foster connections, assign higher-profile work to ease the move up the ranks, and provide aircover and support in case of stumbles. Sponsors have a significant impact on the career traction of their female and multicultural protégés: 68% of women with sponsors say they are satisfied with their rate of advancement, compared with 57% of those without sponsors; 53% of sponsored African-Americans and 55% of Asians are satisfied with their career progress, compared with, respectively, 35% and 30%. Those numbers add up to employees who are more committed, more engaged, and more likely to attract similar talent.
Rate of Advancement and Sponsorship Chart
Why take on the responsibility — and risk — of becoming a sponsor? By building a dedicated team of talent, sponsors see a measurable benefit to their own careers: White leaders — both men and women — with a posse of protégés are 11% more satisfied with their own rate of advancement than those who haven’t invested in up-and-comers. Sponsors of color who have developed young talent are overall 30% more satisfied with their career progress than those who haven’t built that base of support.
Rate of Advancement and Proteges Chart
3. Crack the code of executive presence. Performance, hard work, and sponsors get top talent recognized and promoted, but “leadership potential” isn’t enough to lever men and women into the executive suite.  Leadership roles are given to those who also look and act the part, who manifest “executive presence” (EP). According to CTI research, EP constitutes 26% of what senior leaders say it takes to get the next promotion. EP rests on three pillars: gravitas (the core characteristic, according to 67% of the 268 senior executives surveyed), communication skills (according to 28%), and appearance (the filter through which communication skills and gravitas become more apparent). Yet because senior leaders are overwhelmingly Caucasian and male, women and multicultural professionals find themselves at an immediate disadvantage in trying to look, sound, and act like a leader — and they’re not getting the guidance they need to acquire it.
Across the board, 56% of minority professionals feel they are held to a stricter code of EP than their Caucasian peers. Further, the research found that EP feedback is either absent, overly vague or contradictory: More than three-quarters (79%) of people of color surveyed say that when they get feedback, they are unclear how to act on it, with Asians (84%) and Hispanics (80%) particularly confused about how to course-correct. As a way to endow their protégés with even more power, leaders can resolve to give more — and clearer — feedback in 2014 to help their reports understand, acquire, and eventually ace EP.
4. Be a more active ally. Despite advances in workplace acceptance, 41% of American lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) workers remain closeted at the office in 2012.  Given theincreased productivity and lower turnover rates of “out” workers , companies have a bottom-line incentive to create a workplace where LGBT workers feel accepted, valued, and comfortable being who they are. What makes work a place where LGBT talent can thrive? Allies — people who support or work as LGBT advocates — play a decisive role in creating an open community where individuals are comfortable being themselves. CTI research finds that 24% of LGBT workers attribute their decision to come out professionally to a strong network of allies. Although the ally phenomenon is widespread and growing (70% of men and 83% of women consider themselves allies), only 8% of men and 19% of women qualify as “active allies.”
Closeted LGBT employees are 73% more likely than their out peers to say they intend to jump ship within the next three years. However, with leaders who are active allies, that is, those who openly support LGBT colleagues at work, LGBT high-performers are far more likely to stay.
5. Be a more proactive protégé.  The dynamics — and the rewards — of the sponsor–protégé relationship don’t end with a big promotion; they last throughout a career. Think about it: CEOs need people they can rely on as the go-to person for high-profile trouble-shooting, as the perfect candidate to lead those massive projects that can make or break a company’s future, as the reliable source for innovative solutions. At the same time, sponsorship can never be taken for granted. In today’s uncertain economy, executive teams can get reshuffled without notice, leaving you without protection.
Resolve to tend that reciprocal relationship with your existing sponsors — and extend your network of new sponsors— in the new year. According to CTI research, the vast majority of white-collar employees in the United States work for companies that fail to realize their full innovative potential because their leadership lacks the inclusive behaviors needed to effectively “unlock” the innovative potential of an inherently diverse workforce. Leaders who resolve to inculcate behaviors and disseminate practices that endorse, encourage and empower women, people of color, and LGBTs are far more likely both to retain a broader spectrum of top talent as well as tap into an ever-replenishing well of innovation.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Consider your circumstances well before investing in stocks

Investing in stocks is a good option when you’re approaching retirement. The amount of money that you should invest depends on several factors. In other words, there is no specific answer to this question. As per experts, retirement portfolios are never complete without stocks. It is important that you adjust your portfolio with time so as to make it ready for your retirement. The idea is to save money as well as to ensure financial security during the retirement years.

Forget rules and believe in circumstances

You’re very likely to come across various opinions when it comes to preparing your retirement portfolio. One way, as most of the financial advisers put it, is to subtract your age from 100. The result you get is the percentage that you should invest in stocks while preparing your retirement portfolio. For example, a 50 years old person should invest 50 percent in stocks. Remember, this is no hard and fast rule. The increase in life expectancies suggests that people should be inclined towards investing more in stocks irrespective of their ages. The more you invest in stocks, the better the security you get in the years to come. 

Equities have started to play important roles in a portfolio. Higher investment in equities is going to help you meet the financial challenges that you’re likely to face during those long retirement years.

Allocate your assets well

You have to do the right asset allocation if you want better returns from your portfolio. Now, doing the right asset allocation involves diversifying your investments across various asset categories. This will reduce the portfolio risk and ensure higher returns at the same time. You have to start well with allocating assets in order to give the right shape to your portfolio. Some academic studies reveal that investment in stocks is responsible for almost 90 percent of the returns. 

The appropriate asset allocation largely depends on the circumstances. There are factors like time horizon and risk tolerance that have major roles to play in this. You’ll also have to take your personal goals into account. 

Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose

Sometimes, it is right to take the professional approach. If you have invested in retirement funds of major companies, you’ll see your glide path (shifting mix of equities, bonds, and other holdings) change as you age and approach retirement.

There is no point in having your mind set on a particular rule when you’re thinking of investment. Take your age, net worth and risk tolerance into account while investing. Make sure you’re not investing any more than you can afford to lose. It is always better to keep your investments within limits. Being overly cautious about investing money is going to help you control your investments and make a proper retirement portfolio. It is always better if you get in touch with a good financial advisor if you’re unsure about your investments. This way you can count on the investments you make and ensure a better future for yourself.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Can we learn something about the stock market from this interview?

Can we learn something from his Interview and expect same growth from the Nepalese Stock Market as he expected from Indian Market ?

Invest in stock market; expect good returns over 3-5 years: Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
Investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala does not believe investing in gold is a good idea in the long term. But he thinks it's time to invest in the stock market. In an exclusive chat with Bollywood actor Chitrangada Singh on ET NOW, he says investors will get very good returns over the next three to five years. Edited excerpts:

Chitrangada Singh: I just want to start with asking you something that I have no idea about: what is one tip that you would like to give to all the women who are wanting to now invest?
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala: I think, women also know and understand. But the problem is that tips are hazardous for health and you cannot make money. Stock investing, like cooking, cannot be taught, it has to be learned.
CS: So, have to waste some money and burn your fingers and...?
RJ: Something which cannot be taught has to be learned... My mother can teach me to cook everything. But finally, what my mother makes is much better than what the cook can make.
CS: But you know the recipe book. So, let's open up a page...
RJ: The quest to learn is a journey. I have learned much, but much is still unlearned. So, despite people saying that I am a guru or I know everything, one thing I can tell you (is) the market is like women, always commanding, always mysterious, always volatile, always exciting, and it is not a joke.
In my 25-30 years of experience in the market, just as you cannot have a good relationship with a woman by bullying her, you cannot have a good relationship with the market by trying to bully it or say that you are the king. The king is the market.
CS: Are we going through a recession? As much as everything tells us we have such fantastic investments coming in, FDI is growing and everything is happening, but I really think when I feel around me, I think there is a recession which nobody is talking about?
RJ: I think, there is a slowdown, there is a recession, no doubt about it. There is a recession in Bollywood — I do not think so. Films are getting more expensive by the day. They are making more money by the day. So, there is a slowdown in the country. But I think, it is temporary and it will reverse itself.
CS: Yes, properties are dropping a little.   
RJ: So, you invest in property?
CS: Yes, some.
RJ: Feel very safe about it?
CS: Sort of, because I think that at least it is on ground and it is there, instead of papers in your locker...
RJ: But I think those lockers and papers are far easier and far profitable to deal than property. I just have to pay 3 lakh custody charges a year.
CS: So, about stocks... what is the one thing that has really worked for you, the one thing that you followed?
RJ: That is grace.
CS: Now that is not a mantra, I am asking for a mantra. Of course, it is God's grace.
RJ: I do not think there is one thing which has worked, what has worked is differentiated thinking, courage of my conviction. I entered the stock market with .`5,000. I am what I am by the grace of God and the blessing of my parents. But nobody ever gives me any money to invest.
CS: Taking chances?
RJ: Life is a risk, life is a gambling, life is ultimate call and life is risk. Today, suppose I travel by car from here to Bandra, there could always be accidents. But if I say how many people have been killed earlier or have met with accidents, you assess risk and once you assess risk, then you take a decision based on it. I do not think, it is a risk. Also, you must realise that success can be temporary and transient.
CS: Okay, you just got lucky and, of course, you took chances.
RJ: Yes, I got lucky and I would not say I took chances. I took conscious chances.
CS: What is the one sector that you would say you can, sort of, predict...
RJ: See, I invest in all kinds of sectors. I invest in a pharma company, in a hotel, in a jewellery company, in a watch company, you know all kinds of investments. Finally, we invest out of ignorance. We cannot be perfect. The founding basis of the legs of all businesses has comment traits.
CS: Retail I believe...
RJ: Yes, I have an investment in retail companies too. I have investment in all kinds of companies. I have investment in a gambling company and I have investment in a company which makes ethanol plant.
CS: So, what is that one sector which is making maximum money, right now?
RJ: See, the market is always popular. It may not be always profitable to do what is popular.
CS: Which sector would be the most safe for a good bet?
RJ:: At the moment, the export sector. Companies which are exporting. Many financial companies are also going at very cheap valuations. I think, it is the time to invest in the market. You will get very good returns over the next three to five years. CS: What about gold? Should we be investing in gold?   
CS: What about gold?
RJ: Ask my wife, I do not buy gold.
CS: You would not ever invest in gold?
RJ: I do not invest in gold.
CS: So that is...you are saying that it is not probably such a good idea to invest in gold.
RJ: Yes, over the next one year, it could be good. But over a 4-5-year horizon, I am not so bullish.
CS: Okay, it just goes up and keeps coming down, just keeps doing that, great.
RJ: Where have you invested in?
CS: Gold, that is why I was like... gold and some property. I have invested a little bit in stocks and, of course, mutual funds.
RJ: Made money?
CS: Not much, not in the market. But the property has always given good returns.
RJ: I do not know why people do not make money in markets.
CS: I guess, we have bad advisors.
RJ: You must have invested in 2006-07.
CS: Yes, well, you know it has been over the past seven-eight years, but they always keep talking about long term, long term, and the long term never seems to end.
RJ:And how long is long term?
CS: I have no idea. I have no idea how long is long term.
RJ: So you do not want to direct a film?
CS: I would love to, some day. Yes, I would love to.
RJ: Who is your favourite director?
CS: Favourite, there are a few that I would really like to work with. Farhan is a very good director and Zoya Akhtar is a fabulous director. There are so many — Raju and Vishal. 
RJ: Raju Hirani?
CS: Yes, Raju Hirani.
RJ: Gem of a man.
CS: Yes, he is a fabulous person. He is such a great human being. Yes, these people and that is about it.
RJ: I also produced a film called English Vinglish.
CS: Oh, I loved that film. I am so glad that somebody like you is producing a film... it is a very good film.
RJ: What is your ultimate ambition in life?
CS: I should be asking you that question, how much more do you want to earn?
RJ:: They say the hunt is better than the kill. I come from a middle class background and I do not lose our middle class roots... I want to give as much as possible to charity. I am supporting some charities now, but I want to do far bigger. I want to work, because I want to die with my shoes ...on to enjoy what I do and I do what I enjoy.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

There is no controversy, Buddha was born in Nepal: India

KATHMANDU: India today settled a row over the birthplace of Lord Buddha with Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh saying there is no controversy that Buddha was born in Nepal.
Singh's comments came in the wake of recent protests here following reports in Indian media claiming that Buddha was born in India.
"Buddha was born in Lumbini, which lies in Nepal, so there is no controversy," she said in response to a question at a press conference here.
After an Indian TV serial claimed that Buddha was born in Nepal, many Nepalese youth vented their ire on the streets, and lodged protests in social media like Facebook and Twitter.
"We respect all your sentiments," the Indian Embassy said in a statement yesterday.
"Our recent post on Lord Buddha was to clear any doubts related with the birth of Lord Buddha, which is in Lumbini, Nepal and to express the feeling of Government of India," it said in the statement on its official Facebook Page.
Around 300 cable operators in Nepal had blocked the broadcast of the Zee TV programme on Lord Buddha, following protests that it depicted the ancient sage as being born in India instead of the Himalayan nation.
"We were afraid that the content of the show might be disrespectful to Nepali audience...In precaution, we decided to impose self-censorship on the show," Sudhir Parajuli, Chairman of the Nepal Cable TV Association, told media here last week.
After the issue was raised on social media, sparking wide criticism, actor Kabir Bedi, who is playing a lead role in the show, apologised on Twitter.
"Yes, my friends, I mis-spoke. Forgive me. Lord Buddha was certainly born in Lumbini, Nepal. My apologies to all whose feelings were hurt," he tweeted.
Lumbini is one of the cultural heritage sites enlisted by UNESCO. According to historical sources, Buddha was born in Lumbini, situated in southern plains of Nepal in 623 BC.
The Indian Embassy said our objective through the Facebook page "is to establish a Goodwill between our two countries. India cannot progress without the progress of Nepal and wishes every prosperity for the people of Nepal."
"Our age-old relations with Nepal are marked by historical, civilisational and familial ties and will continue to be a matter of highest priority to us," Foreign Secretary Singh, who today wrapped up her two-day official visit to Nepal, said.


Monday, September 16, 2013

A best posture to sit in-front of computer

It is very important to check your posture during computer hours. An unusal balance of body and computer is the source for backbone problem to many people. One way to check your posture is to use a mirror to see how you are sitting or ask someone to hold it up for you. A correct postures during computer hours can be a sloutions to various backbone problems.

Look for signs of a poor posture-:

1.  sore neck or back

2.  trouble concentrating

3.  headaches

It is very important to have an adjustable chair to match your work area. If you are at a desk for more than a few hours a day investing in a quality chair is very important. Being aware of your posture via your physio or pilates instructor or yoga teacher is also a benefit. Building a strong core and correct breathing techniquesare very important.

Tips for the best sitting position-:

1. Adjust the height of the chair according to the height of the work area.

2.   Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and without  strain. (shoulders back ribs in)

3.  Feet must be flat on the floor

4.  Ensure the limbar support of the chair supports the natural curve of your spine

5.  Adjust the computer screen to the top is level with your eyes

 6.  Keep your chin in and shoulders relaxed

 7.  Keyboard should be placed for a natural support from the chair arm rests or table if no arm rests

 8.  wrists should be straight when typing

 9.  Take regular intervals (5 minutes every hour) and perform stretch and relax exercises