Thursday, August 15, 2013

Profits of Commercial Bank 2070

Banks (000) Net profit % EPS (Rs) P/E Ratio Net Worth (Rs)
2069-70 2068-69
Citizens 399608 224794 77.77 19.01 14.04 126.98
Sanima 304950 121770 150.43 15.13 17.19 120.76
NCC 370896 177621 108.81 25.23 8.84 156.03
Globle IME 552487 265316 108.24 22.84 19.29 138.48
Sunrise 319189 111194 187.06 15.84 14.58 122.2
Kumari 291548 275505 5.82 18.18 14.3 166.39
Prime 479790 269449 78.06 20.5 15.8 131.2
Grand 200534 182773 9.72 10.03 17.55 118.06
NMB  360394 55452 549.92 18.02 13.98 131.2
Nabil 2223323 1696276 31.07 91.24 19.89 314
Siddhartha 490488 330456 48.43 30.29 9.9 165.12
Investment 1992603 1039276 91.73 52.85 14.83 213.49
Everest 1471117 1090565 34.89 91.88 17.32 342.06
Nepal SBI 775990 480106 61.63 32.94 25.8 168.67
Machhapuchre 148045 38213 287.42 5.97 33.99 112.8
Commerz 58620 15186 286.01 2.93 50.77 104.86
Mega 177377 71868 146.81 7.61 114.24
ADBN 2259947 1839925 22.83 58.55 3.62 267.88
NIC Asia 619986 391779 58.25 26.82 20.66 210.09
SCBN 1217941 1168968 4.19 65.7 27.7 289.07
BOK 617090 607662 1.55 36.64 15.09 196.93
Lumbini 149530 193464 -22.71 9.34 21.42 136.3
NB 590729 809470 -27.02 29.4 10.2 176
RBB 1517531 1184485 28.12
Century 67661 2994 2159.89 6.26 0 0
Civil 121264 27235 345.25 7.56 19.7 107.55
Janta 197334 57262 244.62 9.87 17.03 112.89
Laxmi 450205 356390 26.32 26.74 11.56 162.39
Total Profit 18426177 13085454 40.81

Sunday, August 11, 2013

7 Things To Consider When Investing In The Stock Market

1. Have a solid comprehension of basic economic principals.

Before you get started, you should understand basic principals and laws of economics. The stock market closely follows the law of supply and demand. For example, when there is a large demand for the stock of a certain company, the cost of its stock will increase along with the demand. However, if there are more stock available for sale than there are buyers, the unit price of that company stock will decrease.

2. Learn about prospective companies you want to invest in.

Do your homework before you invest in prospective companies. Read the company annual report and find out about their products, operations, services and basic business track record. This information gives you an idea of how stable the company is and whether they can deliver on their promise to offer profits to investors.

3. Select companies with staying power.

There are so many companies that exist in today's stock market, selecting becomes a major decision for beginning investors. Relatively stable companies and business are owned by the government, unless there is a political revolution or crisis going on. Gasoline companies and telecommunications companies are usually profitable and stable because there is a constant demand for their services and products. While IT companies are rapidly growing in today's stock market, there are so many of them it may be a challenge to check their profiles to exercise reasonable care before investing. Before putting your money into an IT company, verify their track record and make sure they are stable and profitable for a minimum of 10 years.

4. Keep an eye on the news.

Guesswork is completely ineffective when it comes to investing in the stock market. Good intuition and solid decision-making come from learning about global and local news both politically and economically. When you watch the news, make sure to keep track of the industry your company is in. Even stable companies may go bankrupt or have a major blow that will bring them down.

5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Avoid investing in just one company and spread out your stock investments to several businesses. When you have stock concentrated in just one company, you have a greater chance of losing it all. When you spread out your investments over several companies, those earning profits can cushion the ones that not not as profitable.

6. Stockbrokers aren't the final word.

A stock broker is actually gambling with your money so you need to do your own homework. Dishonest brokers can take advantage of investors who do not fully comprehend how the stock market works.

7. Greed is your enemy.

While everyone is eager to make profits in the stock market, an investor loses their sense of reason when they are fueled by greed. A money hungry investor may forget to check on economic rumors and spontaneously decide to sell or buy with the thought of making major profits and then lose it all.

Putting your money in the stock market can of course be risky, but the above tips should help point you in the right direction.

People must know..................

Fast Track 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Stock market Trends when.................

कम्पनीको सेयर किन्दा ध्यान दिनुपर्ने विषय

खुद मुनाफा 
खुद मुनाफा (Net Profit) कम्पनीहरुको परफरमेन्स नाप्ने मुख्य सूचक हो । कम्पनीले गरेको आम्दानीबाट विभिन्न खर्च र अन्त्यमा सरकारलाई करसमेत तिरेपछि बाँकी रहेको रकम खुद मुनाफा हो । यही रकमबाट सेयरधनीलाई लाभांश वितरण गरिन्छ । बढी मुनाफा गरेको कम्पनीले नै बढी लाभांश दिने सम्भावना हुन्छ ।
प्रतिसेयर आम्दानी 
खुद मुनाफा बढी हुँदैमा कम्पनीले बढी प्रतिफल दिन्छ भन्न सकिंदैन । त्यसैले कम्पनीको चुक्ता पुँजी र नाफाको अनुपात हेर्नुपर्छ । कम्पनीको सेयर कित्ता संख्याले कम्पनीले एक आर्थिक वर्षमा गरेको खुद मुनाफालाई भाग गरेर प्रतिसेयर आम्दानी (EPS) निकालिन्छ ।
१ करोड चुक्ता पुँजी भएको कम्पनीले १ करोड खुद मुनाफा गर्नु र ५ करोड रुपैयाँ चुक्ता पुँजी भएको २ करोड खुद मुनाफा गर्नुमा सेयरधनीका लागि १ करोड नाफा गर्ने कम्पनी उपयुक्त हुन्छ । १ करोड नाफा गर्ने कम्पनीको प्रतिसेयर आम्दानी १०० प्रतिशत हुन्छ भने २ करोड नाफा गर्ने कम्पनीको प्रतिसेयर आम्दानी ४० प्रतिशत मात्र हुन्छ ।
खुद सम्पत्ति 
प्रतिसेयर आम्दानीले कम्पनीको सोही वर्षको स्थिति मात्र जानकारी दिन्छ । कम्पनीमा सेयरधनीले गरेको लगानी अर्थात चुक्तापुँजी र कम्पनीले हरेक वर्ष नाफा गर्दै बचत गरेको संचित रकमको जोडलाई कम्पनीको सेयर कित्ताले भाग गरेपछि प्रतिसेयर खुद सम्पत्ति वा सेयरको किताबी मूल्य (Net worth per share) आउँछ ।
पछिल्लो एक आर्थिक वर्षमा थोरै प्रतिसेयर आम्दानी गरेको कम्पनी भए पनि यदि उसको प्रतिसेयर खुद सम्पत्ति उच्च छ भने सगम्रमा त्यो कम्पनी राम्रो छ भन्ने बुझ्न सकिन्छ । किताबी मूल्य बढी भएको कम्पनीले त्यो वर्ष कम नाफा गरे पनि अघिल्लो वर्षको नाफाबाट संचित गरेको रकम सेयरधनीलाई लाभांश दिन सक्छ ।
जगेडा कोष 
कम्पनीहरुले गरेको खुद मुनाफाबाट केही रकम सेयरधनीलाई लाभांश बाँड्छन् भने केही रकम कम्पनीमा भैपरी आउने खर्च गर्नको लागि जगेडा कोष (Reserve Fund) मा जम्मा गर्दछन् । जगेडा कोषमा रकम नभएको कम्पनी भोली नसोचेको ठाउँमा खर्च बढाउनुपर्दा समस्यामा पर्न सक्छ । तर, जगेडा कोषमा पर्याप्त रकम छ भने कम्पनीलाई भविष्यमा पैसा अभावको समस्या हुँदैन ।
जगेडा कोष बढेपछि प्रतिसेयर नेटवर्थ पनि बढ्दै जान्छ । यदि कम्पनी बन्द गरियो भने जगेडा कोषमा भएको रकम सेयरधनीले सेयरको अनुपातमा बाँडेर लिन सकिन्छ । पब्लिक कम्पनीहरुले तीन/तीन महिनामा प्रकाशन गर्ने वित्तीय विवरणमा उल्लेख गर्ने जगेडा कोषभित्र नदेखिने गरी विभिन्न उपशीर्षक लुकेका हुन्छन् । रिटेण्ड अर्निङ शीर्षकमा राखिएको रकम आगामी वर्षमा सेयरधनीलाई लाभांश बाँड्न सकिन्छ ।
मूल्य आम्दानी अनुपात
पर्याप्त नाफा गर्ने, नेटवर्थ उच्च भएको वा जगेडा कोष पर्याप्त भएको कम्पनीको सेयर किन्नु फाइदाजनक त हुन्छ । तर, त्यस्तो कम्पनीको सेयर जति महँगो भए पनि किन्नु फाइदाजनक हुँदैन । सेयर किन्दा कम्पनीले आगामी वर्ष दिनसक्ने लाभांशले सेयर किन्दा तिरेको रकम कति वर्षमा उठ्छ भनेर हेर्नु महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ ।
कम्पनीको सेयर मूल्यलाई एक आर्थिक वर्षको प्रतिसेयर आम्दानीले भाग गर्दा आउने अंक मूल्य आम्दानी अनुपात(PE Ratio) हो । यस्तो अनुपात १० भन्दा कम भएका कम्पनीको सेयर किन्दा डुब्ने सम्भावना न्यून हुन्छ भने २० भन्दा बढी भएका कम्पनीको सेयर किन्दा डुब्ने सम्भावना अधिक हुन्छ ।
कुनै पनि सम्पत्तिमा गरिएको लगानी त्यो सम्पत्तिबाट हुने आर्जनले कति वर्षमा पूर्ति गर्न सक्छ भन्ने कुरा महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ । मानौं, वाषिर्क ५० प्रतिशत लाभांश दिने कम्पनीको सेयर मूल्य १ हजार छ तर ३० प्रतिशत लाभांश दिने कम्पनीको मूल्य ५ सय छ भने दोस्रो कम्पनीको सेयर किन्नु बढी लाभदायक हुन्छ ।
सेयर मूल्य र प्रतिसेयर आम्दानीको अनुपातको साथै प्रतिसेयर किताबी मूल्यको अनुपात पनि महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ । कुनै कम्पनीको एक आर्थिक वर्षमा आकस्मिक कारणले मुनाफा न्यून हुनसक्छ । त्यस्तो अवस्थामा पिई रेसियो उच्च देखिन सक्छ । यद्यपि त्यो कम्पनीले विगतमा राम्रै नाफा गर्दै आएको र अर्को आर्थिक वर्षमा पनि राम्रो नाफा गर्न सक्छ ।
नाफाको स्रोत
सामान्यतयाः खुद मुनाफा बढी गर्न सक्ने कम्पनी राम्रो मानिन्छ । तर, त्यो नाफाको स्रोत दिगो हो कि एक वर्षपछि नष्ट हुने हो भन्ने कुरामा ध्यान दिनुपर्छ । कम्पनीको सञ्चालन नाफा वा मूल बिजनेशबाट भएको नाफालाई दिगो मानिन्छ । कम्पनीको सम्पत्ति बेचेको रकम जोडेर नाफा गरेको रहेछ भने अर्को वर्ष त्यस्तो आम्दानी हुँदैन ।
त्यस्तै, पहिलेदेखि उठाउन बाँकी रहेको रकम त्यही वर्ष एकै पटक उठेर नाफा देखिएको छ भने दिगो नाफा हुँदैन । बैंकहरुको हकमा त्यो आर्थिक वर्षमा सञ्चालन मुनाफा नगरे पनि पहिलेदेखि फसेको ऋण त्यही वर्ष असुली भएर नाफा बढेको हुनसक्छ ।
जोखिम व्यवस्था 
कम्पनीकहरुको मुनाफामा सम्भावित जोखिम व्यवस्था (provision for possible losses) शीर्षक महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ । सामान्यतया आउने निश्चित भएको रकमलाई कम्पनीको सम्पत्ति मानिन्छ । तर, कुनै सम्पत्ति उच्च जोखिममा पर्‍यो भने त्यसलाई सम्पत्तिमा गणना नगरेर त्यो बराबरको रकम सम्भावित जोखिम व्यवस्था गरिन्छ ।
यदि त्यो वर्ष कम्पनीले राम्रै सञ्चालन मुनाफा गरेको भए पनि प्रोभिजन गर्नुपर्‍यो भने प्रोभिजन रकम बराबर नाफा घट्न जान्छ । त्यस्तै, आगामी कुनै वर्ष यदि त्यो सम्पत्ति असुल भयो भने प्रोभिजनमा राखेको रकम नाफामा गणना हुन्छ । त्यसैले खुद मुनाफाको साथै सञ्चालन मुनाफा पनि हेर्नुपर्छ ।
एक वर्ष अपर्याप्त
एक आर्थिक वर्षको वित्तीय विवरण हेरेर कम्पनीको सेयर किन्ने वा नकिन्ने र कति मूल्यसम्ममा पाए किन्ने भनी सही निर्णयमा पुग्न गाह्रो हुन्छ । कम्तीमा तीन आर्थिक वर्षको वित्तीय विवरण हेर्ने हो भने खुद मुनाफा, प्रतिसेयर आम्दानी र मूल्य आम्दानी अनुपात मात्र हेरेर सेयर किन्ने निर्णय गर्न सकिन्छ ।
एक आर्थिक वर्षको कुनै सूचक मात्र हेरेर निर्णय गर्दा गलत संकेत गर्न सक्छ । विगतदेखि कमजोर हुँदै आएको सूचक त्यो वर्षमात्रै सुध्रेको हुनसक्छ । यदि त्यस्तो हो भने अर्को वर्ष पुनः कमजोर हुने सम्भावना रहन्छ । यदि कम्पनीहरुले गलत विवरण नै बनाएका रहेछन् भने पनि लगातार तीन/चार वर्ष नियामक निकायलाई छलेर त्यस्तो गर्न सक्दैनन् ।
यसको साथै अखबारमा छापिने लेखापरीक्षण हुनुअघिको वित्तीय विवरणमा मात्रै पूरै भर नपरी कम्पनीहरुले लेखापीक्षणपछि प्रकाशन गर्ने वित्तीय प्रतिवेदनलाई पनि आधार लिनुपर्छ । विगतदेखि कम्पनीको लेखापरीक्षण प्रतिवेदन अध्ययन गर्दै आएका व्यक्तिलाई त्रैमासिक अपरिस्कृत विवरण कम्पनीको प्रवृत्ति बुझ्न उपयोगी हुन्छ ।

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Meaning of moles on the face

The Chinese Almanac, also known as the Tung Shu, is commonly known as a book of auspicious and inauspicious dates, but there is so much more to the Tung Shu than that. It is a vast mine of information relating to astrology, codes and symbols, derived by the wise sages and philosophers of ancient China. We bring to you the secrets from the almanac regarding moles on your face and what they mean depending on which part of your face they appear.
First, check your face for any moles , and then look at the diagram above to identify the number(s) that are a closest match to the moles on your face. Usually, the moles only hold meaning for you if they are prominent and they are the only one. If your face if full of spots, acne or “little” moles, they do not count. When you’ve ascertained which position corresponds to the mole on your face, look up the meanings listed by numbers below.
Position 1 to 3
As a child, you are somewhat rebellious and a free spirit. You have an innate creativity and work best when you are given a free hand. Generally, your superiors like your avante garde approach to life. If you have a mole here, you are far better off in business and being your own boss rather than working for somebody. What is promising is that you have the luck to be your own boss.
Position 4
You are an impulsive person, often acting with a flamboyance that gives you charisma and a sparkling personality, but you can be difficult when there are too many opinions. You tend to be rather argumentative, but never to the point of holding grudges. This mole tends to give you an explosive temper and should you decide to remove it, you will find yourself becoming calmer and more at peace with the world.
Position 5
A mole above the eyebrow indicates that there is wealth luck in your life, but you will need to earn it and work harder than most people. All the income you make must be carefully kept as there are people who are jealous of you who might attempt to sweet talk you into parting with your wealth. Be wary of those who try to interest you in get-rich-quick schemes. If you have a mole here, it is advisable not to be too trusting of others. Follow your instincts and be cautious. And never allow other people to control your finances.
Position 6
A mole here indicates intelligence, creativity and skill as an artist. Your artistic talent can bring you wealth, fame and success. It also indicates wealth luck, but this can only be fully realized if you follow your heart rather than stick to conventional means of making a living. Success will come if you are brave.
Position 7
Moles under the eyebrows indicate arguments within the extended family that cause you grief and unhappiness. This will affect your work and livelihood. It is advisable to settle any differences you have with your relatives if you want peace of mind to move ahead.
Position 8
This is not a very good position for a mole. Your financial position will constantly be under strain because of a tendency to overspend. You also have a penchant for gambling. The only thing is you must know when to stop. Meanwhile, someone with a mole here has a tendency to flirt with members of the opposite sex as well as with the same sex. Better be a little discerning where you exert your charms, or you might get into trouble.
Position 9
This mole position suggests sexual and other problems. It is an unfortunate mole and you are well advised to get rid of it. It brings a litany of woes and a parade of problems.
Position 10
A mole here just under the nose indicates excellent descendants luck. You are surrounded by family at all times and will have many children and grandchildren. You have the support of those close to you and will be both materially and emotionally fulfilled.
Position 11
Moles here suggest a tendency to succumb to illness. It is a good idea to have this mole removed especially if it is a large, dark-coloured mole. Otherwise use lots of foundation to cover it.
Position 12
A mole here foretells a successful but also a very balanced life. You are likely to be not just rich, but famous as well. But although you have every opportunity to live the high life, you will have a satisfying home and family life as well. Women with moles here are particularly lucky and tend to be beautiful and glamourous as well.
Position 13
Your children will be a big worry in your life. Your relationship with them is not good. There is nothing much you can do about this except to learn some tolerance.
Position 14
A mole here suggests a vulnerability to food which can be a big problem in your life. You may have allergies against certain foods or you may simply be eating too much.
Position 15
You are a person always on the move and constantly renovating and redesigning your house. You like to be introduced to new things and see new places. You are not happy if you remain in one place for long. You enjoy travel and adventure, and have a very observant eye.
Position 16
You need to be careful when it comes to eating, and also when it comes to your sex life. These are your two biggest problems. You tend to have weight issues which can make you depressed. You enjoy romance, sometimes with more than one person, but because you are a person with some morality, you will feel guilty about it and this will cause you much stress.
Position 17
You will be someone of great social prominence. You are active on the social scene and an excellent conversationalist. There is a tendency to become bigheaded about your success, which could lose you your good name. This will affect you deeply because you draw your confidence and self worth from what others think of you.
Position 18
You are a person always on the move. There is a great deal of overseas travel in your life, but you should take extra care each time you cross the great waters, as your mole prefers you to stay at home.
Position 19
You have money luck and many good friends, so this is a good mole to have. Your weakness is that you tend to succumb to the charms of the opposite sex. In your life, it is this that could get you into hot water, so do cool your ardour!
Position 20
A mole here can be very lucky or very unlucky. If you have a mole here, you are destined either for extreme fame or infamy. You have great flair for creativity and are also highly intelligent, but your talents can be used for both good and bad. You are not a person to be trifled with for you are no pushover and do not forgive and forget easily. This mole is a mark of someone who will go down in history either as a great or as a tyrant.
Position 21
This is a good mole, as it suggests plenty to eat and drink throughout your life. This mole also brings fame and recognition.
Position 22
Your life is always happy and things go smoothly for you. You could well become a sports superstar if you have the passion for it. Moles at the end of eyebrows also suggest a person of authority and power, so if you are the CEO of a company, you will do very well.
Position 23
You have a high IQ, and you are both brain smart and street smart. You have a highly-developed survival instinct and will lead a meaningful and long life. You will be active until a very old age and will have friends and family around you till the very end.
Position 24
You will achieve fame and fortune in your young age and you are advised to use this period to safeguard your old age, as people with moles here tend to have a harderlife as they get older.
Position 25
You will enjoy good prosperity and recognition luck, but do be careful of excesses. Stay traditional in your attitudes and you will have a long and fruitful life.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nine foods you should never eat again

(NaturalNews) With so much misinformation out there about food and how it affects human health, making healthy food choices for you and your family can be difficult and confusing. There are a number of specific foods; however, that you will want to avoid in almost every circumstance because they provide virtually no health benefits while posing plenty of health risks. Here are nine foods you should never eat again if you care about preserving your long-term health:
1) White bread, refined flours. By definition, white bread and refined flours in general are toxic for your body because they have been stripped of virtually all vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important nutrients. Because of this, the body does not know how to properly digest and assimilate these so-called foods, which can lead to health problems. Refined white flour has also been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two poisonous chemicals that have been linked to causing thyroid and organ damage. (
2) Conventional frozen meals. Most conventionally-prepared frozen meals are loaded with preservatives, processed salt, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients, not to mention the fact that most frozen meals have been heavily pre-cooked, rendering their nutrient content minimal at best (especially after getting microwaved again at home). With the exception of a few truly healthy frozen meal brands such as Amy’s and Organic Bistro, most frozen meals are little more than disease in a box, so avoid them in favor of fresh foods. (
3) White rice. Like white bread, white rice has been stripped of most of its nutrients, and separated from the bran and germ, two natural components that make up rice in its brown form. Even so-called “fortified” white rice is nutritionally deficient, as the body still processes this refined food much differently than brown rice, which is absorbed more slowly and does not cause the same spike in blood sugar that white rice does. (
4) Microwaveable popcorn. This processed food is a favorite among moviegoers and regular snackers alike, but it is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. Practically every component of microwaveable popcorn, from the genetically-modified (GM) corn kernels to the processed salt and preservative chemicals used to enhance its flavor, is unhealthy and disease-promoting. On top of this, microwaveable popcorn contains a chemical known as diacetyl that can actually destroy your lungs. If you love popcorn, stick with organic kernels that you can pop yourself in a kettle and douse with healthy ingredients like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and Himalayan pink salt. (
5) Cured meat products with nitrates, nitrites. Deli meats, summer sausage, hot dogs, bacon, and many other meats sold at the grocery store are often loaded with sodium nitrite and other chemical preservatives that have been linked to causing heart disease and cancer. If you eat meat, stick with uncured, nitrite and nitrate-free varieties, and preferably those that come from organic, grass-fed animals. (
6) Most conventional protein, energy bars. By the way they are often marketed, it might seem as though protein and energy bars are a strong addition to a healthy diet. But more often than not, these meal replacements contain processed soy protein, refined sugar, hydrogenated fat, and other harmful additives that contribute to chronic illness. Not all protein and energy bars are bad, of course — Thunderbird Energetica, Organic Food Bar, Boku Superfood, Vega Sport, PROBAR, and Zing all make healthy protein and energy bars. Just be sure to read the ingredient labels and know what you are buying.
7) Margarine. Hidden in all sorts of processed foods, margarine, a hydrogenated trans-fat oil, is something you will want to avoid at all costs for your health. Contrary to popular belief, butter and saturated fats in general are not unhealthy, especially when they are derived from pastured animals that feed on grass rather than corn and soy. And if animal-based fats are not for you, stick with extra-virgin coconut oil or olive oil rather than margarine. (
8) Soy milk and soy-based meat substitutes. One of the biggest health frauds of modern times, the soy craze is a fad that you will want to skip. Besides the fact that nearly all non-organic soy ingredients are of GM origin, most soy additives are processed using a toxic chemical known as hexane, which is linked to causing birth defects, reproductive problems, and cancer. Soy that has not been fermented is also highly estrogenic, which can throw your natural hormone balance out of whack. (
9) “Diet” anything. Many so-called “diet” products on the market today contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal) and sucralose (Splenda), both of which are linked to causing neurological damage, gastrointestinal problems, and endocrine disruption. Many diet products also contain added chemical flavoring agents to take the place of fat and other natural components that have been removed to artificially reduce calorie content. Instead, stick with whole foods that are as close to nature as possible, including high-fat foods grown the way nature intended, and your body will respond surprisingly well. (

Friday, August 2, 2013

Be a Smart Investor! Very interesting - A must read

A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:

Title: What should I do to marry a rich guy?


I’m going to be honest of what I’m going to say here.

I’m 25 this year. I’m very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500K annual salary or above.
You might say that I’m greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York.
My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500K annual salary? Are you all married?
I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you?

Among those I’ve dated, the richest is $250K annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit.

If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden(?), $250K annual income is not enough.

I’m here humbly to ask a few questions:

1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)

2) Which age group should I target?
3) Why most wives of the riches are only average-looking? I’ve met a few girls who don’t have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys.
4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)

Ms. Pretty


A philosophical reply from CEO of J.P. Morgan:

Dear Ms. Pretty,

I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyze your situation as a professional investor.

My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I’m not wasting time here.

From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.

Put the details aside, what you’re trying to do is an exchange of “beauty" and “money" : Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.

However, there’s a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can’t be prettier year after year.

Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It’s not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worse 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a “trading position". If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term - same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or “leased".

Anyone with over $500K annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500K annual income. This has better chance than finding a rich fool.