Thursday, September 19, 2013

There is no controversy, Buddha was born in Nepal: India

KATHMANDU: India today settled a row over the birthplace of Lord Buddha with Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh saying there is no controversy that Buddha was born in Nepal.
Singh's comments came in the wake of recent protests here following reports in Indian media claiming that Buddha was born in India.
"Buddha was born in Lumbini, which lies in Nepal, so there is no controversy," she said in response to a question at a press conference here.
After an Indian TV serial claimed that Buddha was born in Nepal, many Nepalese youth vented their ire on the streets, and lodged protests in social media like Facebook and Twitter.
"We respect all your sentiments," the Indian Embassy said in a statement yesterday.
"Our recent post on Lord Buddha was to clear any doubts related with the birth of Lord Buddha, which is in Lumbini, Nepal and to express the feeling of Government of India," it said in the statement on its official Facebook Page.
Around 300 cable operators in Nepal had blocked the broadcast of the Zee TV programme on Lord Buddha, following protests that it depicted the ancient sage as being born in India instead of the Himalayan nation.
"We were afraid that the content of the show might be disrespectful to Nepali audience...In precaution, we decided to impose self-censorship on the show," Sudhir Parajuli, Chairman of the Nepal Cable TV Association, told media here last week.
After the issue was raised on social media, sparking wide criticism, actor Kabir Bedi, who is playing a lead role in the show, apologised on Twitter.
"Yes, my friends, I mis-spoke. Forgive me. Lord Buddha was certainly born in Lumbini, Nepal. My apologies to all whose feelings were hurt," he tweeted.
Lumbini is one of the cultural heritage sites enlisted by UNESCO. According to historical sources, Buddha was born in Lumbini, situated in southern plains of Nepal in 623 BC.
The Indian Embassy said our objective through the Facebook page "is to establish a Goodwill between our two countries. India cannot progress without the progress of Nepal and wishes every prosperity for the people of Nepal."
"Our age-old relations with Nepal are marked by historical, civilisational and familial ties and will continue to be a matter of highest priority to us," Foreign Secretary Singh, who today wrapped up her two-day official visit to Nepal, said.

Monday, September 16, 2013

A best posture to sit in-front of computer

It is very important to check your posture during computer hours. An unusal balance of body and computer is the source for backbone problem to many people. One way to check your posture is to use a mirror to see how you are sitting or ask someone to hold it up for you. A correct postures during computer hours can be a sloutions to various backbone problems.

Look for signs of a poor posture-:

1.  sore neck or back

2.  trouble concentrating

3.  headaches

It is very important to have an adjustable chair to match your work area. If you are at a desk for more than a few hours a day investing in a quality chair is very important. Being aware of your posture via your physio or pilates instructor or yoga teacher is also a benefit. Building a strong core and correct breathing techniquesare very important.

Tips for the best sitting position-:

1. Adjust the height of the chair according to the height of the work area.

2.   Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and without  strain. (shoulders back ribs in)

3.  Feet must be flat on the floor

4.  Ensure the limbar support of the chair supports the natural curve of your spine

5.  Adjust the computer screen to the top is level with your eyes

 6.  Keep your chin in and shoulders relaxed

 7.  Keyboard should be placed for a natural support from the chair arm rests or table if no arm rests

 8.  wrists should be straight when typing

 9.  Take regular intervals (5 minutes every hour) and perform stretch and relax exercises

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

NRB gives one more year to BFIs to raise paid-up capital

Reviewing a recent directive it had issued to banks to compulsorily increase their paid-up capital within the current fiscal year, the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has now said that the capital can be increased by the end of the next fiscal year.

As per the fiscal policy, the central bank had directed the commercial banks on August 11 to raise their paid-up capital by the end of this fiscal year.

The policy change that the central bank announced issuing a notice to them a few days back has come as a relief to eight commercial banks as well as 40 development banks and 38 finance companies of the country.

Prior to the latest NRB decree, two out of the eight commercial banks were not in a position to distribute bonus shares from the net profit they had posted in the last fiscal year.

Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank (NCC) and Lumbini Bank would have been compelled to either issue right shares or go for a merger had the central bank not reviewed its directive. Similar was the predicament of the development banks and finance companies.

Now these BFIs can issue bonus shares from the profit they post in the current fiscal year as the central bank’s latest directive states that once it approves the proposed bonus shares, the BFIs can count them as their paid-up capital.

As the NRB policy, commercial banks must raise their paid-up capital to Rs 2 arba. The target set by the central bank is Rs 64 crore for the national level development banks, Rs 10 crore for the regional development banks, and Rs 20 crore for the finance companies.


It Takes Purpose to Become a Billionaire

What do billionaires have in common? What is it that they do better than anyone else? Why do we admire them, or their companies' products and services, so much?
I've spent some time trying to identify common traits in the Forbes list of billionaires and other similar lists of the world's wealthiest. I'm particularly interested in finding patterns in the types of people whom I respect. It's less about all that dough they've accumulated than about better understanding how and why they made their fortunes.
It turns out there are many ways to make a billion dollars: real estate, investing, gaming and entertainment, retail, technology, and good old-fashioned inheritance. But the most interesting (and most respected) businesses and personalities are also the ones with the strongest and most authentic purposes behind them. My business partner, Mats Lederhausen, was one of the first advocates I knew of purpose-driven business and entrepreneurship. I credit Mats with helping me understand that purpose is neither something soft nor something overly lofty. Instead, purpose is the bigger why of a business. All of us understand the what of any successful business, but what about the why?
While billionaires and their companies are bucket companies by industry (i.e. the what of the company), I believe that there are three categories of purpose that are interesting to observe, and consider which one dominates your company's mission. Here they are:
1. Making the world more beautiful. 
2. Making the world more fun. 
3. Making the world more efficient and smart.

1. Making the world more beautiful. These are the people who make us look, eat, and live more beautifully. It is a broad definition of outer and inner beauty. The best are able to make us look and feel good. The beauty category of billionaires includes the larger-than-life fashion figures of Ralph Lauren, Bernard Arnault (of LVMH), and recently minted billionaire Tory Burch. It is actually quite amazing to see how many of the world's richest come from the fashion, retail, and design worlds. And then there are those who aren't explicitly in the design, style, or beauty business but nonetheless identify strongly with these themes. Apple, of course, is the poster child for this ethos, as it puts design first for everything from its software to the industrial engineering of products. For Apple, it is not just design that matters — what's paramount is using design to connect to the user.
Beyond beauty sensed with our sight and touch, there are the founders in this category who have focused on our inner beauty and health. Indeed, there are people like Hamdi Ulukaya (the Turkish founder of Chobani Greek Yogurt) or the founders of a variety of biotech and pharmaceutical firms who have achieved this through focusing on the purpose of healthier ways for us to eat and live.

2. Making the world more fun. One name that springs immediately to mind is Richard Branson. His mission and purpose center around fun and play. Disney is another icon that has redefined the entertainment experience. But perhaps my personal favorite of a billionaire founder who has spread his creative fun around the world is Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté. Making the world more fun is noble and creates greater happiness for us all. The billionaire founders who get this and who have succeeded in doing so help to put more smiles, more laughter and yes, more fun into a world that is too often dull and mundane. Fun is a good business model -- and it does not need to be a billion-dollar enterprise. It is perhaps because it is relatively easy to think of small ways to create fun that it is even more impressive when people such as these are able to scale fun on a massive level.

3. Making the world smarter, more efficient, and more relevant. There are more "knowledge workers" today than ever before. In this world, we have all become familiar with the technology and Internet moguls (e.g. Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, and Larry Page) who have helped to make us smarter, faster and more efficient in our daily lives. Doing work via shared Google Docs versus a word processor versus a typewriter — yes, we've come a long way. The connected social economy and its companies like Facebook and LinkedIn are all about how we can try to do more, faster. That is, these companies allow us to have more communication moments in ever-shorter time segments. And there are also information and media moguls, like Mike Bloomberg or the Thomson family behind Thomson Reuters, who dominate financial and legal information, respectively, and are viewed as being mission critical to professionals in those fields. As these firms enable more, faster, and smarter throughput of information, a challenge will be to maintain relevancy. As more and more information is thrown at us, we are now ironically often seeking less and less of it. And this is perhaps what the next great wave of tech and info billionaires will address — as curators whose purpose will be to find greater meaning, context, and relevancy in this mass information world.
So, while there are many ways to make money, there tend to be some common patterns of higher purpose. The three purposes illustrated here help explain why and how some of the world's wealthiest have have gotten so rich, and made our lives richer as well. These three purpose categories likely blur at times, and certainly co-exist in terms of the culture and value propositions of the truly great companies. But the take-home lesson is to ask yourself which of these purposes you are willing to strive to become the absolute best at. Companies and founders that make a singular and unwavering commitment to excel along any of these three purpose dimensions not only have the chance to make our lives better, but also to leave an imprint on our culture, on how we view and experience this world. That, and they might just end up as billionaires.


Friday, September 6, 2013

पुँजी बजारको आजको अवस्था र भोलिको सम्भावना

नेपालको पुँजी बजार हालसम्म तीनपटक बुलिस ट्रेण्ड कायम भएको देखिएको छ । धितोपत्र कारोबार भएपश्चात् नेपालमा पहिलो पटक विसं २०५२ मा अधिकतम नेप्से सूचक दुई सय पाँच अंकमा पुगेको थियो । त्यसैगरी दोस्रो पटक विसं २०५७ मा अधिकतम नेप्से सूचक पाँच सय ४५ सम्म पुगेर बियरिष्ट ट्रेण्डमा रहेको र तेस्रो पटक विसं २०६५ मा एक हजार एक सय ७५ इण्डेक्ससम्म पुगेर भदौ १५ देखि क्रमशः घट्ने क्रममा रहेको छ । नेप्से हालको मितिसम्म आइपुग्दा पाँच वर्ष पूरा भइसकेको छ । अतः हालको पुँजी बजार बियरिष्ट ट्रेण्डमा रहेको पाँच वर्ष पूरा भएको छ ।  विगतदेखिकै पुँजी बजारको विभिन्न अवस्थाको अध्ययन गर्ने हो भने पनि नेपालको पुँजी बजार पाँच वर्षभन्दा धेरै बियरिष्ट ट्रेण्ड नरहेको अवस्था पाउँछौं । यस आधारमा पनि अबको पुँजी बजार बुलिस ट्रेण्डको तयारी हुनका लागि सुरुवातको अवस्था हो भन्न सकिन्छ । हालको सेयर कारोबारको नेप्से सूचकांक हेर्दा पनि न्यूनतम दुई सय ९२ को इण्डेक्सबाट सुधार भई हाल पाँच सय ५२ मा आइपुगेको छ । यो अवस्थामा कारोबारको परिमाण पनि बढेर दैनिक २० करोडभन्दा माथि रहेको अवस्था छ । हालको नेप्से सूचक गत विसं २०५७ को पाँच सय ४५ इण्डेक्स रहेको टे«ण्डलाई समेत पार गरिसकेको र बजार सुधार हुने क्रममा हालै मात्र पाँच सय ५५ इण्डेक्स पुँजी बजार करेक्सन हुने क्रममा घटेको इण्डेक्स पुनः उक्त इण्डेक्सलाई क्रस गर्ने अवस्थामा रहेको छ ।  विसं २०६३ को आर्थिक वर्ष सुरु भएसँगै बुलिस ट्रेण्डमा रहेको सेयर कारोबार दुई वर्षसम्म कायम रही विसं २०६५ भदौ १५ मा क्यास भई निरन्तर ओरालो लागेको पुँजी बजार २०६९ बैशाखसम्म दुई सय ९२ इण्डेक्समा रही बजार ७५ प्रतिशतले घटेको अवस्थामा पुँजी बजारसँग सम्बन्धित समस्या समाधानका लागि पहल भएको थियो । बजार सुधारका लागि धितोपत्र लागनीकर्ता संघ, साधारण लगानीकर्ता संघ र इन्भेष्टर फोरमले १३ बुँदे मागपत्र सहित आन्दोलन गर्नुपरेको थियो । जस अनुरुप अर्थमन्त्रालयको सभा कक्षमा प्रस्तुत मागपत्रका विषयमा २०६२ जेठ १८ गते अर्थमन्त्रीको उपस्थितिमा नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकका गभर्नर र अन्य नियमनकारी निकायहरुका बीच पुँजीबजारको सुधार सम्बन्धमा नौ बुँदाहरु कार्यान्वयन गर्ने निर्णय भए अनुरुप पुँजी बजारमा सुधार आई हालको अवस्थासम्म आइपुगेको छ । अतः पुँजी बजारमा राज्यले अवलम्बन गरेको नीतिगत व्यवस्थाले प्रत्यक्ष प्रभाव पार्ने भएकाले आर्थिक नीति बनाउँदै पुँजी बजारलाई नकारात्मक असर पर्ने गरी गरिएका नीतिले सारा जनताको लगानी जोखिममा पर्ने भएकाले पुँजी बजारमा लगानीको वातावरण बनाउनका लागि उपयुक्त नीति कार्यान्वयन गर्दै जानुपर्ने आवश्यकता रहेको छ । हरेक मुलुकमा पुँजी बजारको आफ्नै समयचक्र अनुसार बढ्ने र घट्ने गर्छ यही पुँजी बजारको प्रकृति अनुसार लगानीकर्ताहरुले आफ्नो लगानी समयसापेक्ष बढाउने र उपयुक्त समयमा मुनाफा लिई सेयर बिक्री गर्ने गरेका छन् । राज्यलाई मुनाफा गरेबापत् सरकारलाई कर तिरिरहेका छन् ।

हाल नेपालको पुँजीबजार समय चक्रको हिसाबले पनि सुधारको क्रममा रहेकाले पनि लगानीकर्ताहरु सेयरमा लगानीको लागि आकर्षित रहेको पाइएको छ, जसको उदाहरण कम्पनीहरुले बाँडेको बोनस तथा लाभांश सजिलैसित डाइजेष्ट भएर सहज रुपमै मूल्य कायम हुने गरेको छ र दैनिक कारोबार रकममा समेत वृद्धि हुँदै गएको छ । अतः नेपालको पुँजी बजार सकारात्मक रुपमा अगाडि बढ्ने क्रममा नेप्से सूचकांक ५५ को इण्डेक्सलाई उछिनेर सेयर बजारले नयाँ इण्डेक्स कायम गर्दै क्रमशः नयाँ–नयाँ पोजिसन लिँदै विगतको एक हजार १ सय ७५ को अधिकतम नेप्से परिसूचकलाई उछिनेर विसं २०७१ सुरुवातसँगै नयाँ बुलिस ट्रेण्डमा कारोबार हुँदै अधिकतम नेप्से सूचकांक बन्ने वातावरण बन्दै गएको छ । 

यही पुँजी बजारको चक्र अनुसार लगानीकर्ताहरुले आ–आफ्नो लगानीको क्षेत्र रोज्ने भएकोले अब नेपालको पुँजी बजारमा प्रत्यक्ष रुपमा नेपाली लगानीकर्ता एवम् गैरआवासीय नेपाली तथा अप्रत्यक्ष रुपमा अन्य मुलकका लगानीकर्ताहरुको समेत लगानी यहाँको पुँजी बजारमा आउन सक्ने अवस्था रहेको छ, जसको लागि लगानीको सहज वातावरण बनाउन राज्यद्वारा उपयुक्त नीति कार्यान्वयनमा ल्याउन अत्यन्त जरुरी रहेको छ । साथै राष्ट्र बैंकद्वारा समेत सेयर बजारमा लगानीको लागि सेयर खरिद कर्जा ९ःबचनष्ल ीबलमष्लन० को लागि वातावरण बनाइदिई बैंकहरुद्वारा कार्यान्वयनमा ल्याउन नितान्त जरुरी रहेको छ । साथै मुलुकमा रहेका सर्वसाधारण लगानीकर्ताहरुको लगानी संरक्षण गर्न बजारमा नकारात्मक असर पर्न नदिन उपयुक्त नीति कार्यान्वयन गर्नुपर्ने बाध्यता रहेको छ । नियमनकारी निकायहरुले पुँजी बजारमा लगानीको विश्वासको वातावरण बनाइराख्न सूचनाको पारदर्शिता हुन अत्यन्त आवश्यक छ । साथै सूचीकृत कम्पनीहरुको नियमित रुपमा अनुगमन तथा नियमन हुन जरुरी छ, जसबाट लगानीको जोखिम न्यूनीकरण गर्न सकिन्छ । यसका साथै लगानीकर्ताहरुलाई जागरुक एवम् सचेत बनाउनका लागि पनि सरोकारवाला निकायहरुले काम गर्नुपर्छ । लगानीको सबैभन्दा ठूलो स्रोत भनेकै बचत हो । 

बचत गर्नका लागि पनि आम नागरिकहरुमा जनचेतना जगाउनुपर्छ । बचत केका लागि ? कस्तो संस्थामा लगानी गर्ने ? कस्तो काममा लगानी गर्ने ? प्रतिफल कसरी पाउने ? आदि कुराहरुको बारेमा पनि लगानीकर्ताहरुलाई सचेत बनाउनुपर्छ । हालको अवस्थामा धैरे व्यक्तिहरुले बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्था एवम् अन्य कम्पनीहरुमा सेयर लगानी गरेको भए पनि उनीहरुलाई कस्तो अवस्थामा सेयरमा लगानी गर्ने ? यसबाट कसरी प्रतिफल लिने ? भन्ने विषयमा समेत त्यति जानकारी छैन ।  यस्तो अवस्थामा जो लगानी गर्न चाहन्छ, जोसँग बचत गरेको केही पैसा छ, त्यस्ता व्यक्तिलाई लगानीसम्बन्धी जानकारी दिनु पनि राज्यको ठूलो दायित्व हो, यो दायित्व राज्यले पूरा गर्नुपर्छ । हालकै अवस्थामा पनि विभिन्न बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थामा झण्डै करौडौं रुपैयाँको लाभांश अलपत्र पर्नुको पछाडिको मूल कारण पनि लगानी र प्रतिफलसम्बन्धी सचेतना नहुनु नै हो ।  
